
After reading Leo post about uncopyrigth I started thinking about it. Finally, I decided I should do something like this.

I want to use a license that let everybody use my work. On one hand the small posts I have written are a very little work compared with the work other people have done to create the tools I am using today. On the other hand it is better for me people use and improve the work I have done. Attribution is appreciated but not required.

If someone is really interested in the things I am doing he will get in touch with me and ask for support. Furthermore, I am sure, if he wants a full-time project support he will hire me. At the end sharing will let me improve my work, meet new people and get involved in challenging projects.

The only thing I don’t want is that someone uses my work for war or militar purposes that I am completly against. So here you are, enjoy it !!!!!

The only thing I have to add is that I usually share third party resources. Please, respect these license resources.

Jorge Corredera

Jorge Corredera
I am a Spanish telecommunication engineer.I like social robotics, computers and almost everything with wires. Right now, I am working as a Software Engineer. Furthermore I am always happy to be involved in challenging projects.

Pcb Working Process

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Cyclone Pcb Factory

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