Day 0 - Robot Dreams

Day 0 - Robot Dreams

Several years ago the possibility of creating a robot was only a dream, but nowadays with the development of new technology and the decrease of the price of this technology several new projects has been created (Hansonrobokind,Qbo,Nao…). All this projects have something in common, they are open projects and try to create a strong community around them. The companies offer a device with basic functionality and encourage the users to develop new software. Most of this devices are really useful for R&D but, from my point of view, it has a main weakness the high price of the item if you only are a hobbyist that enjoy technology.

Some example about successful low cost devices are for example RaspBerry-Pi and Hexy.

Based on this idea, could be very interesting creating a small programmable biped robot whose main characteristic should be an affordable price based on open technology. For this purpose the objective is creating several posts where I will show the life of the project and will share all the necessary tools and diagrams to build you own robot. Of course this is a life project that I haven’t created yet so all the help and collaboration form the community will be really useful.

Jorge Corredera

Jorge Corredera
I am a Spanish telecommunication engineer.I like social robotics, computers and almost everything with wires. Right now, I am working as a Software Engineer. Furthermore I am always happy to be involved in challenging projects.

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