Music Player Daemon on Raspberry
In this post I will show how to install a music server on the Raspberry to play music. The objective of this post is installing MPD with MPC or another front end to be able to control the music player and let it play.
1) Introduction
I am going to show how to install MPD (Music Player Daemon) linked to the bluetooth speakers we set up before in the previous post.
2) MPD installation
First of all update all the system :
After that install MPD and MPC that :
As I showed in the previous post you have to install your bluetooth device as general user editing .asoundrc :
So in my case :
Now, once it is installed just type in the console this line to install mpd:
And set up it like this, set up your music home directory in music_directory, remember to modify the permission to let MPD read and write there. audio_output set up the audio output and points to the bluetooth configured in .asoundrc .
Allow the user mpd to access to the sound group :
2.1) Audio Jack output
In case you want to set up the output to the jack speaker in the Raspberry load the driver:
Load the module at the start of the system:
And finally in the mpd.conf file :
3) MPC
MPC is a client for MPD. In order to kill mpd server just type :
If you want to add new content to the playlist use this line where / is the path to the music folder:
In order to load a new playList type:
And now play music with: