How to dissipate heat in the Raspberry - pi

Since I read an article talking about the temperature that my little Raspberry - pi could reach I wanted to use some passive elements to reduce it. So a really easy way to do is adding some aluminium heat sink to reduce the heat. They are used for RAM memory. You can find easily on Ebay or Dx.

But the problem is:

  1. Where should I put them?
  2. How can I put them?

1) Where should I put them?

In order to know where you should put, you have a great article in Spanish that could help you, but mainly, you have to look the photos if you don’t know Spanish. In this case, It is model B, and I am using is model A, so I only have to worry about the voltage regulator and the SoC BCM2835. As you can see in the image shown below, taken from the web page, the hot points are those I have told you.

The Arduino connection.

2) How can I put them?

First of all, you have to clean the surface with some alcohol and then put the heat sink. In my case I bought several sinks that have a small stickers, but if yours don’t have these stickers you could use Adhesive heatsink plaster.

3) Conclusion

If you have read this article, you would see that it is not really necessary, but it is always nice to have a way to reduce the heat in electronic devices. And of course heat sink colours are cool.

Jorge Corredera

Jorge Corredera
I am a Spanish telecommunication engineer.I like social robotics, computers and almost everything with wires. Right now, I am working as a Software Engineer. Furthermore I am always happy to be involved in challenging projects.

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