The objective of this tutorial is installing a basic example of FreeRtos inside and Esp8266 12-E.


FreeRTOS is a popular real-time operating system kernel for embedded devices, that has been ported to 35 microcontrollers. It is distributed under the GPL with an additional restriction and optional exception. The restriction forbids benchmarking while the exception permits users’ proprietary code to remain closed source while maintaining the kernel itself as open source, thereby facilitating the use of FreeRTOS in proprietary applications.


The main objective of this tutorial is showing how to program Esp8266 12-e using Open Sdk. It allows you to create your own C programs. It is a really cheap device with wifi integrated and low power consumption.


Some time ago I decided to buy a Orange Pi pc. It is really close to Raspberry pi, however it is much cheaper. The objective of this small server is to be used as continuous integration server installing on it Jenkins and another tools.


After long time without a proper learning course it is time to prepare the tools to learn robotic stuff as easy as possible. In this post I will show my next steps and I would like to organize all the things I would like to have time to learn.


Since I read an article talking about the temperature that my little Raspberry - pi could reach I wanted to use some passive elements to reduce it. So a really easy way to do is adding some aluminium heat sink to reduce the heat. They are used for RAM memory. You can find easily on Ebay or Dx.

But the problem is:

  1. Where should I put them?
  2. How can I put them?